
Children and Youth Ministry is designed especially to share the Word of God in age and maturity appropriate ways that will enable our youth to grasp the magnitude of God’s love and plan for their lives.

Sunday School

The Sunday School Ministry offers diverse curriculum that equips our members with practical knowledge to help guide and direct their daily life. The Word of God is the central text for each class accompanied by different resources to help our members learn and grow stronger in the Lord.

Children’s Church

Children’s Church service delivers a vibrant Praise & Worship experience, and an innovative biblical curriculum that is delivered through media and illustrated messages. The lessons are fun, creative, Christ focused and stress the application of biblical principles in everyday life. Lesson time is followed by craft time to allow for fellowship with other children and volunteers.


youth_ministryYouth Ministry

Middle and High School age youth. We offer a relevant youth worship experience. Our services are innovative, interactive and empower our teens to see, do and replicate Christ in their everyday experiences.

Teen Ministries
Dance, Liturgical, and Mime Ministry
Youth Ushers Ministry
Youth Greeters Ministry