Buckle Your Seat Belt

By Dr. Rebekah McCloud

This Christian journey is not always a walk in the park, smooth sailing or a drive on a straight, flat road. Momma would say that you cannot always lie back on “flowery beds of ease.” My dad would say, “Every day is not Sunday. Sometimes you have a hard row to hoe.”

This Christian journey sometimes has bumps and curves and potholes and hills and cliffs and valleys and detours. It can sometimes be overwhelming, but you can always make it to your destination if you buckle your seat belt and faint not.

This Christian journey sometimes requires a little encouragement. That can come from a kind word, a prayer, a friend, a stranger, a child, your pastor or music. Consider David. 1 Samuel 30:6 says, “he encouraged himself in the Lord.”

I’ve had some life challenges lately. About a month or so ago, I came home, dropped down on a chair in the kitchen and started to cry. Now, I am not a weeper, so the tears surprised me. I said to myself, “Becky, what is this? Girl, get yourself up and out of this place.” So, I asked Alexa to play me some gospel music.

Kirk Franklin started singing “Smile.” I said, “Alexa, are you serious right now?” She answered, “I don’t understand.” I laughed. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” I told her to play me another song.

The next song was Tasha Cobb’s “Break Every Chain.” It was followed by Marvin Sapp singing “Never Would Have Made it” and then Travis Greene sang “Made a Way.” The set was concluded by Donnie McClurkin’s melodious voice singing, “Great is Your Mercy.”

Encouraged a bit, I decided to read my Bible. Instead of pulling the Bible from my bag, I pulled out my notebook. Both are purple and about the same size. I laughed again and said, “Ok, Pastor, speak to me.” I buckled my seat belt and began reviewing notes I had taken from various sermons throughout the year.

In January, Pastor Tedd told us to focus. “Never fight the obstacles, fight to maintain your focus.” He also talked to us about being in survival mode. He told us that it takes a toll on a person and he encouraged us to “exercise the power of God in us right where you are.”

In February, he asked us if we are on the winning team. He told us to “plan ahead, but don’t worry ahead.”

In March he told us that it takes “clear intentionality and determination to become a Christian.” Minister Forbes told us that “FAITH is forwarding all issues to heaven.”

In April, I was traveling. But in May, Pastor Patricia told us, “I’m on an assignment and I can’t quit. Ain’t no quit in me.” And, Pastor Tedd told us “failure does not abort your mission. Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo.”

In June, he told us “to live in the promises of God…For everything we are believing God for, we will never know all he can do.”

In July, I was MIA. In August, Pastor told us “God says I’m available to you all the time with unlimited access.”

By the time I finished my review, I was crying again. This time, I understood the tears. We serve an awesome God. Amen. This Christian journey can sometimes be bumpy and overwhelming. But, we have a comforter, a savior, a strong tower, a redeemer, a sustainer, a rock, a friend, a King of Glory, and a giver of living water to guide us and it necessary, carry us. Amen.

Isaiah 41:10 tells us, “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” What a promise!

Before we can get to the place where we understand and can practice good stewardship, we must know who we are and whose we are. On this Christian journey, we must be able to keep a steady pace.  Let’s prepare for the ride. Get in, buckle your seat belt and let God drive. He’s not the co-pilot, he’s the pilot. I guarantee he does not need a back-seat driver nor does he need our navigation system. He knows what to do and he knows the way. Amen! Buckle your seat belt.

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